Wednesday 14 April 2010

This picture consists of a man riding a unicorn and attacking a bear with the United States national flag at the background. The man can be said to be Barack Obama and the white unicorn can symbolise the US government, and Barack Obama as the United States President is attacking a bear which can symbolise different problems facing the United States such as the war between the US and part of the middle east, corruption e.t.c. and the unicorn is also attacking the bear which can symbolise that the US president and the US government are tackling the problems together.

This picture shows a woman, a baby, two men, a horse and a cow. The place in which they are, looks like a stable and where the baby is being laid looks like a manger. This can symbolise the birth of Jesus Christ in the bible, because it is similar to it. The woman can be said to be the mother of Jesus and the men beside her can be said to be two of the wise men that came to give Jesus gifts after His birth.

This picture shows a man with something like the earth on his forehead, a halo around his head and lightning sparks around his face. This can symbolise Barack Obama, the United States president, the first black American president, who is seen as the one who will bring change to America, which will affect the the whole world, because America is seen as the most influencial country in the world and being the president, his policies for the United States will have an effect on other parts of the world.

A man's world

This is a picture of a huge man devouring a young lady. This picture can symbolise the partriarchy system in the society where the male stream society is rated higher than female stream society, the way the females are giving less opportunity than the males, the way the females go through what is called 'glass ceiling', which can be seen as a situation where the females are not allowed to reach or advance certain levels of leadership or leadership positions especially in a work force.

This image is the front cover of a magazine (people magazine), there are four different headlines or stories talked about on the front cover of this magazine, but the 'eye catcher' of them all is the story about "Rihanna's Nightmare" which is seperated from the rest, which the makers also wanted the readers to focus on. The main image or story is the one on "Rihanna's Nightmare" which is the first thing that catches the eye of the reader, thus, the reader is pushed or persuaded to purchase the magazine.


This image is consists of a woman, her three children sitting on the floor and probably a man standing beside them. There are different explanations for this and one of them can be that, the woman and her children are poor and homeless and they sit at that area everyday which may probably be a mall or something where there are alot of people, begging for money to cater for themselves.

The bad government

This is a picture of a painting which shows a big well dressed man standing, holding his jacket and differents hands are coming out of his jacket. The man can symbolise the government of a nation who is corrupt, who is there just to embezzle money and the hands can symbolise majority of people in the nation who are living in poverty as it can be seen that it looks like the hands coming out of his jacket are begging .